
What motivates you? What drives you to keep going when all you want to do is quit? What separates you from the rest? These are all questions we need to know the answers to in the fitness world and in life in general. There are going to be days that you don’t feel like doing what needs to be done. Some weeks, it is going to feel like you are making no progress at all or even going backwards. To help with this, I want to tell you a story I was once told.

“There is a stone cutter that I once knew. One day, he began to chisel away at a large boulder. For 99 strikes, he hit the chisel with he hammer without leaving a single mark on the boulder. Then on the 100th strike, the boulder split in two. I know that it was not the 100th strike that split the boulder, but the 99 that came before it” -Author Unknown

Think about the story. The stone cutter could’ve easily given up and moved to another stone but instead he chose to keep working on the same one, even when he did not see progress. The fitness world is no different. You are going to feel like giving up. You are going to have bad days, but what separates the great ones from the average ones is the ability to keep working even when all they want to do is give up. So you have to ask yourself: Do you want to be average? Are you okay with 50% of the population being better than you?

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